
The PROTECT survey will be available to complete in a select number of countries in Europe from September 2023.

Watch this space for more updates on the exact launch date and which countries will be participating first.

Determinants of PrEP Uptake, Intention and Awareness in the Netherlands: A Socio-Spatial Analysis

Learn more about research into long acting injectable PrEP. Explore a recent article that explores determinants of PrEP Uptake, Intention and Awareness in the Netherlands.

Spatio-temporal changes in pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake among MSM in mainland France between 2016 and 2021

This study used national pharmaco-epidemiology surveillance data and regional MSM population estimations to model the spatio-temporal distribution of PrEP uptake among MSM in France 2016–2021 to identify marginalized MSM at risk for HIV and increase their PrEP uptake.